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The weirdest, most intriguing animated movie I saw as a young girl in the 1980s was an adaptation of Harry Nilsson’s album The Point! with Ringo Starr as narrator. This brilliant cartoon had a deep and lasting impact on me. It was like nothing I've ever seen before or will ever see for a long time.


Following the main character, Oblio, the only round-headed inhabitant of the Pointed Village, a place where literally everything had a point (I mean everything, including people’s heads) on his adventures in the Pointless Forest gave me a feeling of something totally different, unique, and out of the ordinary that stayed with me.


This precious source inspired me to create a unique concept - The Pointless Artist - that I hope you'll find helpful on your creative journey. The Pointless Artist will take you down the path of self-exploration and will help you make your own way forward with your art. The journey will start with the foundation of your artistic creativity and will open up infinite possibilities for you to overcome artist block, generate unique ideas, and find inspiration for your art. 


"In point of fact”, both you and I are Oblio because each one of us is UNIQUE and DIFFERENT.

Are you aware of your uniqueness and infinite creative potential?

Do you want to (re)learn the fundamental principles of how to see and create like an artist?

Join me on this holy adventure!


"You don't have to have a point, to have a point." (The Point!)

Picture of Oblio, protagonist of the American animated film The Point!

Why is The Pointless Artist pointless?

Recognise your pointlessness
Your benefits

What makes The Pointless Artist pointless?

What is pointless
Water patterns in black and white
Abstract forms describing creative ideas
Bubbles of creative ideas against a grey background

My Added Value, Your Benefits

A Holistic


There’s no sustainable solution to overcome artist block and unlock your creativity if you don't transform your vision and your relationship to your Self, as well as your artistic practice.


The Pointless Artist champions the holistic and transformational approach all the time: start with your Self.


Turn inward, recognise your uniqueness, and reinvent yourself; your creativity will follow suit, and you'll make a difference. Promise.


A specialised hub for artists from all walks of life and corners of the world

The Pointless Artist is a specialised hub for artists like you. It has a particular focus on artistic creativity, creative process, art inspiration, artist block (a.k.a. art block, creative block, creative slump or creative rut), inner transformation, and creative Self. I'll talk extensively about these topics until you thrive. And beyond. I invite you to read my blog posts and listen to The Pointless Artist Podcast.


A different understanding of artistic creativity, inspiration, and artist block

The Pointless Artist understands what a creative slump really is, and knows how to manage it differently and sustainably. It also knows how to boost creativity in art because it has been in the trenches for so long and has gained a lot of practical experience with the visual arts, as well as a nuanced understanding of the creative process and its challenges.


Solid expertise in the visual arts

The Pointless Artist contributes with niche expertise to your development as an artist. It brings more than 20 years of experience with the Visual Arts; therefore, it has the insight, speaks your language, and deeply understands your needs and fears.

Worth Remembering

You won’t find here any quick fixes, ideas-to-go, or art-to-do recipes. Sure, there’s nothing wrong with a tip that you can implement straight ahead. The thing is that a little tip can only take you so far. It provides you with instant, short-term results, but it can’t take you further than that simply because a quick fix is short-sighted.


The Pointless Artist has got a sustainable alternative for you: a coherent system of useful hands-on tools, expert knowledge and profound reflections that will help you tap into your innate creative potential.


So, mind you: no magic tricks but true CONTENT VALUE, SUBSTANCE, DEPTH, NUANCE, and CLARITY. All in one and with a difference!




Pointless is different.

Pointless is creative.

Pointless is unique.




Recognise your "pointlessness" and keep creating!


From Germany with love,


Bianca Vinther,


Creator of The Pointless Artist


Abstract painting of a swarm of fish in ocean water
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The Pointless Artist. All rights reserved

Design & development by Bianca Vinther

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